Commonly known as Chinese evergreen plants, these bright green, bushy plants can grow about a foot and a half in height. Their origin stems from New Guinea, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Coming from tropical locations, they do require extra humidity but have adapted to other climates throughout centuries, making it a somewhat hardy plant
Almost any well-draining potting mix will be sufficient for the Aglaonema. Our go-to recommendation for a high-quality soil that’s fast draining is Fox Farms Ocean Forest.
Aglaonema prefers moist, but not soggy soil in the spring/summer time. They prefer their soil to dry out half way in the winter months. If you notice the plant developing yellow leaves, it may be from overwatering especially if the plant is not getting enough sun light. Aglaonemas that are in shadier areas do not need to be watered as often as ones that are in brighter light settings.
Non-colored versions prefer a bit of shade whereas variegated and colorful versions prefer a brighter area—medium to bright indirect light. The leaves of this plant are sensitive to direct sunlight so avoid placing in an east or west window where the sun hits directly.
Humidity is an important key for caring for your Aglaonema. Providing a humidifier nearby, misting, or making pebble trays filled with water can help add humidity to your home and keep your plants happy.
When it comes to fertilizing your Aglaonema, they will only need it in the spring and summer months, every 2-3 weeks.
Pet friendly?
No - This plant is toxic to both humans and pets. Keep on a tall shelf or somewhere out of reach to children and pets.
In order for your plant to get the proper amount of sunlight for it to be able to photosynthesize, cleaning the leaves is important. Your Aglaonema may collect some dust so cleaning it weekly is suggested. Simply dampen a rag and wipe down the leaves to remove any dust or water residue that has collected. Use one hand to brace the leaves while wiping them to ensure you don’t accidentally break them while cleaning. This process will ensure healthy and clean leaves that will help your Aglaonema flourish.
Moving to a new home can typically cause some shock for plants. Yellowing or dropping leaves are pretty common when taking a plant to a new home, so if this happens do not fret. After a month or so they should stop dropping those lower leaves.