

Don’t be alarmed - the fern pictured on this page does not have a spider problem; those furry feet are a part of the plant! Ferns are a plant variety that is often overlooked as the standard Boston fern comes to mind when people think fern. However, this unique vascular plant family has much more diversity than you might know and they offer a lot of great perks.

  • Soil

Almost any well-draining potting mix will do for ferns. Our go-to recommendation for a high-quality soil that’s fast draining is Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Ferns will quickly shrivel if their soil completely dries out so be sure to keep their soil moist but not soggy.

  • Watering

Water every 5-10 days depending on how quickly your soil is drying out. Be sure that at least the first inch or two feel dry before watering, but don’t let your fern completely dry out or it will quickly let you know with dry, brown leaves.

  • Sunlight

Ferns will be happiest in any degree of moderate, indirect light. They tolerate lower light levels as well but never place a fern in direct sunlight. This will cause the leaves to scorch and turn brown.

  • Humidity

All fern varieties love lots of humidity. If you notice the stalks and leaves are brittle or browning, this is likely caused by a lack of ambient humidity. The best way to solve this is by adding a humidifier to your home; however, a cheaper alternative is to set a tray of pebbles filled with water near the plant to naturally create humidity. This also makes for a great bathroom plant as long as there’s a window.

  • Fertilization

During the summer months ferns will appreciate a monthly dose of any standard plant fertilizer, diluted at half strength.


  • Pet friendly?

    • Yes! This is one of the greatest perks of fern varieties - they’re all completely pet-safe!

  • Browning stalks

    • If you encounter dried up or brown stalks on your plant, these unfortunately will never regain color. It’s best to prune these off and figure out the issue so your fern can put its energy towards new, healthy growth.

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