Philodendron Pink Princess

Philodendron Pink Princess

As this plant has become one of the hottest, top trending plants in the plant world, it has been glorified for its original beauty. If you are lucky enough to have this plant in your home, they will thrive off of being treated like the royalty they are. The Philodendron Pink Princess has a lovely, blush-pink variegation which makes this plant really stand out. They are native to the tropical forests of South American (Ecuador and Colombia). For them to thrive they need to be in an environment that mimics tropical forests as much as possible. 

  • Light

The Philodendron Pink Princess grows naturally in the wild under forest trees meaning it never gets direct sunlight. They will thrive in 3-4 hours of indirect sunlight a day. Putting your PPP in a North or East facing window will help it thrive. If they are getting too much light the leaves will burn and produce olive green spots. Too little light will produce only dark brown leaves. 

  • Water

The PPP will appreciate being watered when the top 50% of the soil dries out, just like any other Philodendron. Using a moisture meter or the finger test will help determine whether or not it needs to be watered. Remember, it will need less water in the winter months. If it is being overwatered, the Pink Princess will have yellowing and/or drooping leaves, lack of new growth, and little to no variegation in the leaves. 

  • Temp & Humidity

Being native to the South American forests, the Philodendron Pink Princess can tolerate temperatures between 50-95 degrees Fahrenheit. They prefer/will thrive in temperatures closer to 70-80 degrees with humidity levels at least 50%. A humidifier can increase humidity in a home. 

  • Soil

The Philodendron Pink Princess will thrive in well-draining potting soil. We recommend Fox Farm Potting Soil for added drainage and nutrients. Good drainage is important for the PPP to avoid root rot.

Another good soil mixture can be made to use. Mixing together 40% peat moss or coco choir, 30% orchid bark, 20% perlite, and 10% worm castings can be a very beneficial soil mixture. This is both good for allowing good aeration and moisture retention. 

  • Fertilization

Fertilizing during the growing season, spring and summer, is very important for all plants to thrive. The Philodendron Pink Princess will thrive when being fertilized at half strength every 2 weeks or full strength once a month. 


  • Pet Friendly? 

No, all philodendrons contain a sap that can be toxic to pets and humans if consumed in large quantities. 

  • What makes the Philodendron Pink Princess so rare? 
The Pink Princess Philodendron is rare because it is a man-made hybrid plant. Two species of plants are brought together to make the Pink Princess, meaning the growers do not always know if the pink variegation will pop out.


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