

The Dracaena Sansevieria, a.k.a. Snake Plant or Mother in Law’s Tongue, is a far more pleasant houseplant than its names would suggest.

This native to Central & West Africa is not only easy on the eyes, but the Snake Plant was determined by NASA to be one of the most effective air-purifying houseplants. Due to its unique photosynthesis schedule in which it is most actively storing CO2 at night, it spends the daytime hours releasing fresh oxygen into our homes. This very system of photosynthesis that makes it unique is what provides it versatility and hardiness as a houseplant.

  • Soil

The Snake Plant has many qualities similar to succulents, despite how the plant behaves. It is prone to root rot and does not care to sit in moist soil, so be sure to keep your Snake Plant in a well-draining, breathable soil to ensure adequate drainage. Typically a general succulent / cactus mix will work to achieve the drainage required. Check out our Succulent Care Guide for instructions on mixing your own succulent / cactus mix that will be more cost-effective and hearty than pre-made mixes.

  • Watering

This plant is perfect for the person that thinks they don’t have time to be a plant parent. Whether you travel for work or simply forget to water your plants, your Snake Plant will love you all the same. Wait for the soil to completely dry out between watering. During peak grow months (Spring-Summer), they will dry out slightly quicker. Whereas in the winter, be sure to not over-water because they will start holding onto water in their leaves like a camel.

  • Sunlight

As mentioned above, the Snake Plant has a unique way of photosynthesizing which enables this plant to thrive in just about any amount of light exposure. While it prefers to be in bright, indirect sunlight, this guy will do just fine in a dimly lit bedroom corner as well. Regardless of which situation best suits you and your Snake Plant, try to avoid moving it around too much as it will need to adapt if it moves between two drastically different light exposures.

  • Fertilization

Similar to the way it’s best to pull back on watering during the winter, the Snake Plant only wants to be fed during its growing months. Feed with a succulent / cactus fertilizer once a month and dilute at half-strength.


  • Pet friendly?

    • No! This is the only downside to the Snake Plant. It is absolutely not pet-friendly and will cause vomiting and/or diarrhea if ingested. Be sure to place this somewhere that your cat or dog cannot get to it.

  • How big will my Snake Plant get?

    • The Snake Plant can grow up to 12 ft. tall in the wild. At home in a modest-sized pot, you can expect your Snake Plant to reach 4-6 ft. at maturity.

  • Can my plant bloom?

    • Technically, yes. However, it is extremely rare to create the right environment for your Snake Plant to bloom in your home. Don’t let this discourage you from trying! Humidity and sunlight will be the two largest factors in order to achieve a bloom.

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